![]() "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." ~ Proverbs 9:10 So, what did you do on your summer vacation? We all get asked that proverbial question, starting in our earliest school years, right? Well, this summer I engaged in a wonderful, productive, and exhilarating experience. I successfully completed the #proverbschallenge - a project that entailed reading the 31 chapters of the Book of Proverbs, one chapter each day, during the 31 days of July. Whew! It was (how can I say this?) truly a revelation! During those '31 Days of Wisdom' - I wrote a blog post on the #proverbschallenge ('Get Wisdom and Be Blessed - Proverbs')*, kept a daily journal (recording ah-ha moments), and periodically, posted on FB, Twitter, and IG (Instagram). Other #proverbschallenge participants were also posting their responses, comments, and insights on social media including, incidentally, gospel-great, James Fortune and FIYA. It was a remarkable experience, absorbing the wisdom of the Word of God daily, while interacting with, and sharing insghts and perceptions with others embarked on the same journey. Here is my final post on July 31st, the last day of the challenge. "Good Morning, Everyone! We did it!! Yes, we've completed the #proverbschallenge!! Today marks DAY 31 of our '31 DAYS of WISDOM.' We can, now, shout the victory! HALLELUJAH!!! It's been a great Summer 2014 experience. Congratulations to everyone who completed this amazing journey through the 31 chapters of 'Proverbs' during the month of July. And, today, we finish strong with Proverbs 31:10 ~ "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." PRICELESS! Saving the very best for last, the 'Virtuous Woman' has been saved for the final chapter of 'Proverbs'! Webster defines virtue as moral excellence and righteousness; goodness. The 'Virtuous Woman' combines the ideas of moral goodness, excellent fitness, and profitable activity. The 'Virtuous Woman' aka the 'Proverbs 31 Woman' is depicted as the ideal woman: perfect wife, faithful helpmate to her husband, loveable, economical, enterprising, and wise. And above all, she is a God fearing woman! (See Proverbs 31:10-31.) The expression "price far above rubies" refers to bride price, a treasure given in exchange for a wife in many ancient and traditional societies. The 'Virtuous Woman': 1) can be trusted; 2) takes her duties and responsibilities seriously, and performs them with excellence; 3) is a prudent manager; 4) takes excellent care of her household; 5) is, both, generous and a woman who builds wealth; 6) is gracious and discreet; and most of all, 7) fears the LORD. Among the many admirable qualities of the 'Virtuous Woman' are the following: faithfulness (Proverbs 31:26, 31:30); appreciation of marriage (Proverbs 31:11, 31:12); mothering and nurturing (Proverbs 31:28); protective (Proverbs 31:27); healthy (Proverbs 31:14, 31:15); one who serves (Proverbs 31:12); enterprising and financially savvy (Proverbs 31:14); industrious (Proverbs 31:13); excellent homemaker (Proverbs 31:27); and fine (Proverbs 31:22). The 'Virtuous Woman' is, definitely, a woman of integrity, giftedness, and positive influence, in both her home and her community! Some scholars have speculated that the 'Virtuous Woman' represents the Christian church, with Christ being the bridegroom, husband, and head married to her. This is a question that can, certainly, be discussed. What's important, however, is the fact that the 'Virtuous Woman' is so significant that she been included in the Biblical canon. And that, in itself, is reason enough to give her our apt attention and careful consideration. Once, again, congratulations to the all the 'wise' who have completed the '31 DAYS OF WISDOM!' It's truly an honor to have shared this incredible journey with you in God's Word through the Book of 'Proverbs.' Continue to study the Word of God, and build upon the wisdom you have gained during our journey together. And don't forget to celebrate your remarkable achievement today! May God Continue to Bless You Richly with His Wisdom! Be Blessed, Fam!" One of the many incredible things I learned from the #proverbschallenge is that the fear of the Lord is, truly, the beginning of wisdom. Solomon, the author of Proverbs, instructs us that in all our getting, get understanding. I will remember the Summer of 2014 as my Proverbs Summer, the summer of wisdom and understanding. Thank God for Proverbs! What did you do on your summer vacation? *Published as a blog post on this site 07/18/2014. Until next time, Be Blessed! Kenneth Lillard
AuthorHi! I'm Kenneth Lillard, author, ordained minister, and motivational speaker. This blog is an expression of some of my thoughts and opinions. I'm glad you stopped by. Hope you'll share some of your comments while you're here. Be Blessed! |