![]() "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10 You are cordially invited in join us in the '31 Days of Wisdom Challenge!' During the month of July 2014 we're reading the Book of 'Proverbs' aka 'The Book of Wisdom.' There are 31 days in the month of July, and 31 chapters in the Book of 'Proverbs'. It's a match made in heaven! One chapter each day. Bam! #proverbschallenge So, why read 'Proverbs'? 'Proverbs' is 'The Book of Wisdom', and there is a blessing promised to those who embrace wisdom. "She [wisdom] is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed." Proverbs 3:18. Wisdom is, indeed, the central theme of 'Proverbs'. Webster defines wisdom as "understanding what is true, right, or lasting; good judgment; a wise outlook, plan, or course of action." So, it's, definitely, a wise investment of time to read, or listen to, the Book of 'Proverbs'. (Some digital versions are available as audio books.) If you wish to become wise, associate with the wise. 'Proverbs' (The Book of Wisdom) has traditionally been attributed to Solomon. Solomon was reputed to have been wiser than all the men of his time, unsurpassed in wisdom and knowledge. And 'Proverbs' has been called a 'Manual for the Art of Living' because of it's treasure of practical wisdom for everyday living! When reading 'Proverbs' be sure to take the time to savor each morsel of incredible wisdom found within its pages. Don't be in a hurry to rush through it or you'll miss some incredible insights. 'Proverbs' is truly food for the soul - the real 'Soul Food!' As you journey through 'Proverbs', take a moment to meditate on each pearl of wisdom found within each of its 31 chapters. Hold each proverb up to the light, and examine it from different perspectives. You'll see something insightful and new each time! Here are some tips to keep in mind while reading 'Proverbs': 1) Before you begin, ask God to give you wisdom and insight into His Word. 2) Read each verse through, and let it soak in. Let it marinate in your spirit. 3) Look up a commentary on each verse that resonates deeply with you, or that, perhaps, you don't quite get! 4) Think of examples that illustrate the point the proverb is making. For example, consider Proverbs 15:1. Abigail calmed David's anger with her gentle and judicious words (1 Samuel 25:24-26). In contrast, Nabal's harsh words to David's camp stirred up David's anger (1 Samuel 25:10-11). Words have power! 5) Apply the proverb to your life. Think of at least three (3) ways the wisdom found within the proverb can benefit you, your family, or your team. 6) Keep a daily journal of your journey through 'Proverbs', recording your thoughts, applications, and ah ha moments! Review your 'Proverbs Journal' periodically to harvest new insights and, possibly, share wisdom with others (especially through social media). "In all thy getting, get understanding!" Join in the '31 Days of Wisdom Challenge.' Get understanding! It's, definitely, not too late to get started. It will be a truly great Summer 2014 reading experience that, without a doubt, will be a blessing. And you'll be a lot wiser on July 31st than you were on July 1st! Get Wisdom. Get Understanding. Be Blessed! How has the wisdom of 'Proverbs' blessed you? #proverbschallenge Until next time, Stay Blessed! Kenneth Lillard
AuthorHi! I'm Kenneth Lillard, author, ordained minister, and motivational speaker. This blog is an expression of some of my thoughts and opinions. I'm glad you stopped by. Hope you'll share some of your comments while you're here. Be Blessed! |